Thank You, Contributors ! An Update on Contributions (as of Match 22, 2021)

Editor: The Patrika profoundly thanks contributors for responding to our appeal for monetary contributions for continuing with the magazine. As we explained in the October 2020 issue in two articles here and here, our advertisers simply vanished last year at the peak of the Covid-19 Pandemic. As you all know, with no subscription, we depend EXCLUSIVLEY on advertisements, for meeting the expenses for creating, printing and mailing the magazine for 1800-plus homes.

After suspending our magazine for two issues, we again started in October last year.

Given below are the up-dated alphabetical listings by last names of contributors for the Pittsburgh Patrika to tide over the Covid Crisis. The details of contributors prior to December 10 2020 are available here. Again, as before, at the request of donors who wanted to remain anonymous, we truncated their names with ellipsis (… …)

The lists below detail those who contributed between December 10, 2020 and March22, 2021.

Contributions By Checks Reported in This Issue:

Subtotal of By-Check Contributions: $4959.00

Online Contributions Reported in This Issue:

Subtotal of On-Line Contributions: $2002.00


Please go to  and make their contributions on-line for us to meet our target goal.


Contributions as of Dec 10, 2020:………………………. $11,983.00

Contributions reporting in this issue By Check:………….$4,959.00

Contributions reporting in this issue On-Line: …………..$2,002.00

ALL Contributions as of March 22, 2021: ……. $18,945.00

Target for the fundraiser: …………………….. $20,000.00

Thank all of you once again for your generosity!



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