The Source of Everything

By Vikush

This is a new and occasional feature for readers to compose verses in their native languages – maatru bhasha.  The writer, a long-time resident of our area, has used a pen name for these Hindi verses.  If you want to contribute, get back to us at

Note: In the following verses, Ram not the puranic Ram of the Ramayana, but the Infinite One, the very Prana or Life Force in all living beings.

Hindi Poem

Ask from where everything comes, why look up to clay puppet?
The Seed Word — the One that runs the universe — is imbedded in you!
Ask from where everything comes… …
Some are known for their wealth, some for bodily strength;
The attractive body is just a cadaver, once Ram has departed.
Ram is wealth, Ram is strength! Ram is wealth, Ram is strength!
Ram will carry you across to destination
Ask from where everything comes
Life is a draft of wind — here today, won’t be there tomorrow,
“This is mine, that is mine.” All these will stay, but you will not.
Ram was, and will be here forever! Ram was, and will be here forever!
As eons and eons pass us by
Ask from where everything comes… …
Air, ocean, fire, earth — Creations of Ram’s grace.
By mixing these are made all the puppets.
But Ram is the heartbeat, Ram is the heartbeat in all puppets!
And Ram moves their breaths
Ask from where everything comes from… …
Ask from where everything comes, why look up to clay puppet?
The Seed Word — the One that runs the universe — is imbedded in you!
Ask from where everything comes… …    

 –  April 2013

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